What is a Doula?
We are there to give you information, helpful tips, guidance and encouragement, and to make your experience as comfortable, stress-free and positive as possible. Our purpose is to ensure that you feel supported, confident and informed in your birth and postpartum experiences.
What is the difference between a Midwife and a Doula?
Doulas do not measure blood pressure or fetal heart rates, or perform any form of medical interventions. Doulas do offer non-medical pain-relieving techniques, such as massage and birthing positions to support a woman through the birth process and thus, reduce the need for medications.
Do Doula’s attend Hospital Births?
Or just home births?
What if I want an epidural?
Can I still benefit from a doula?
Our job is to support YOUR choices. During your first prenatal appointment we will talk about the different kinds of interventions available to you and I will provide you with the most up to date research and information on their risks and benefits. Then the choice is entirely up to you, and we will support you 100%.
My partner will be at the birth.
Will a doula take their place?
Do I still need one?
How far before my due date can/should I book you?
How can I/you be sure you’ll be available for my birth?
Great question. We are careful not to book too many births in a given month – and so far, we’ve never had two people in labour at the same time. That said, our team all have back ups. If your primary doula isn’t available due to being off-call or at another birth, you will be supported by a backup. You can ask to meet with your backup, should you like, to ensure you’re comfortable with the doula that attends your birth, no matter who it is.
How do Birth Doula payments work?
Typically birth support packages are split into two payments – one upon booking and another one prior to our first prenatal appointment. Other services are purchased on an as-needed basis. That said, we can offer payment plans if that would make the investment easier for you. We’d be happy to discuss options with you at your consultation.
We accept payment via cheque and e-transfer.
Will I have a chance to meet you before deciding whether to hire you?
Yes! Hiring a doula is a very personal decision – and one that should not be made without an in-person meeting.
If you’d like to know a little more about us, click here to read what Northern Mama is all about, or here for more information on our doula services.